It is a chance to dance with your little people, a chance to laugh, have fun, and just enjoy what the music brings to the faces and hearts of children. Why drop your child off for a class, pay enormous amounts of money, and not really enjoy it with your child. Why not take time to do something with them, build your bond with your child. I promise it will be something they want to do again and again, even at home!
Standby for new dates.
775 Weller St. The Synagogue lower level
6 week session $50 or $10 drop in fee
GROOVE is a dance experience with simple very easy movements put to “make you wanna dance” music. There is no wrong way, there is no left foot right foot, just simple easy movements unified and authentic! GROOVE is the most fun you can have on the dance floor, we play with the music, we build friendships, we build functional training,and we sweat a little. Remember the first class is always on me, come and try it, I know you will be back..
Standby for new dates in 2018
775 Weller St. The Synagogue lower level
6 week session $50 or $10 drop in fee